Table of Contents

Voice Attack Integration


This guide is with regards to a piece of software called VoiceAttack which allows various actions and commands can be executed via your own voice or hotkeys. VoiceAttack itself is a paid product which costs $10 for a lifetime licence. It does, however, have 21-day free trial.

The integration enabled via a plugin that is added to VoiceAttack allows a number of interesting possibilities for occur with your game (i.e. VoiceAttack sending mouse movements and key presses) when chat execute a command, trigger a Twitch channel point command as well as other user actions like subscriptions, follows and cheer messages.

Please let us know what you think and feel free to share how you would use this feature on our Discord!. Examples may end up in the guide to give our users ideas of how best to make use of this integration.

Note: This guide is meant for VoiceAttack ONLY. This is due to a plugin being available which directly communicates with Deepbot. There are other combinations of software that can achieve the same effect (without voice commands) should you wish to look into those options instead (I.e. Directory Monitor and AutoHotkey)


Installing And Setting Up The DeepBot VoiceAttack Plugin

This integration requires a plugin to be downloaded and enabled within VoiceAttack. The plugin in question can be found and downloaded here

  1. Ensure that the option “Enable Plugin Support” is enabled within the VoiceAttack settings. If not, tick the option then close VoiceAttack.
  2. With the downloaded ZIP file, select “Extract All…” then navigate to the “Apps” folder where VoiceAttack is installed (Default location for this, assuming this is on the C drive, is C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceAttack\Apps)
  3. Open VoiceAttack. If successful, you should receive a prompt regarding inputting your Deepbot IP and Secret into the plugin's config file. This should also state the location of this particular config file. Your Deepbot secret can be found in the Deepbot Master Settings.
  4. Once the information has been entered into the config file, restart VoiceAttack.
  5. If the process was successful it should state that you have successfully connected to Deepbot.

Running a VoiceAttack Command From Deepbot

In your custom command edit screen ensure that the message box contains the following variable


. Replace VoiceAttackCommand with the name of the command that you have set in VoiceAttack.

Running a Deepbot Command From VoiceAttack

To run a DeepBot command from VoiceAttack

  1. Click on the pencil icon in VoiceAttack
  2. In the “Edit a Profile” click “New Command”
  3. In the “Add A Command” window, on the left hand side, select Other > Advanced > Execute An External Plugin.
  4. In the plugin dropdown box select Deepbot VoiceAttack Plugin and in the plugin context text box type Run followed by the command you wish to execute. I.e.
    Run !testadd

  5. To test your command is working - right click the command in the “Edit A Profile” screen from earlier and select Execute

OLD METHOD - Using the Generic DeepBot Command Line Interface (CommandCLI.exe)

Aside from the VoiceAttack direct plugin you can use CommandCLI.exe to achieve the above. As a bonus using the old method will allow Deepbot to communicate with other software that allows exe files to be run with parameters.

Setting Up CommandCLI.exe

  1. Within Deepbot, click on the “Master Settings” option that can be found on the Config tab.
  2. Scroll down until you see the API Secret text box.
  3. Copy the API key that is present in this box (Note: All API keys are unique)
  4. In the folder where Deepbot is installed, locate CommandCLI.exe.config, right click the file then select “Open With…”
  5. Select Notepad from the box that appears
  6. Paste the API key that was copied in step 3 in place of the text that mentions “Enter API Key here!

If you are using a dual-PC setup for streaming

  1. Copy the IP address of the PC with Deepbot installed and paste it above the API Key, where it says “”.
  2. Create a copy of both CommandCLI.exe and CommandCLI.exe.config and move these copies to the streaming PC with VoiceAttack on it.

Adding A Command In VoiceAttack To Execute Through CommandCLI.exe

  1. Click on the pencil icon in VoiceAttack
  2. In the “Edit a Profile” click “New Command”
  3. In the “Add A Command” window, on the left hand side, select Other > Windows > Run An Application.
  4. Click on the “…” button then browse to the location of CommandCLI.exe on your PC. This is typically located at C:\DeepBot - Twitch Streamer Assistant\CommandCLI.exe
  5. Type the Deepbot command that you wish to execute in the With these parameters text box.
  6. To test your command is working - right click the command in the “Edit A Profile” screen from earlier and select Execute

Useful Information

  1. It is recommended to “train” the VoiceAttack voice detection engine to better understand your voice. You can do this by going to Control Panel > Ease of Access > Speech Recognition. This process can take anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes but the more you train the speech recognition engine the better results you will receive.
  2. It is highly recommended to set up a “Start/Stop Listening” command. This is especially important when you don't want to accidentally trigger a command
    • To make the command stop listening - Other > VoiceAttack Action > Stop Listening
    • To make the command start listening - Other > VoiceAttack Action > Start Listening