This version (2022/09/18 10:15) was approved by expertsonline.

Mario Maker

Allows viewers to request Mario Maker levels to be played, and adds them to a queue.

Want to see more community-made custom commands? Click the following link - Link
Need to know how to import this command into your Deepbot? Click the following link - Link

Wasabi Ice Cream - Twitch Channel Link



VIP Membership - How to Get VIP

  • 1. Create a folder in your DeepBot\custom logs folder called SMM2
  • 2. Just import the commands, and use the !clear command to initialize everything. Download Command Json
  • !level (XXX-XXX-XXX) - User's level is added to the bottom of the queue.
  • !addcom - Can also be used instead of !level.
  • !levels - Will return the current size of the queue, and the current position in the queue.
Mod Commands
  • !next - Retrieves the next level from the queue.
  • !clear - Clears the queue, and reinitializes all counters.
