Streamlabs OBS Remote
Within Deepbot it is now possible to control StreamLabs OBS in the same way that OBS Studio can be controlled. The best part is that a seperate plugin is not required as this functionality is built into the program itself. Just like with OBS Studio remote integration you can perform basic actions like enabling/disabling a source and switching to a different scene.
In order to do that a number of settings need to be enabled within Streamlabs OBS to facilitate this interation.
- A modern web browser (FireFox/Chrome/etc.)
- Streamlabs OBS
- Deepbot v0.11.3.4 or above
- Streamlabs OBS and Deepbot are on the same PC
- If this is not the case you will need to look into port forwarding. The port to forward is 59650. A guide on how to port forward in these cases can be found at
- You have NOT accessed the developer menu in StreamLabs OBS before and have no idea where this menu is located.
- Once the developer menu options mentioned in this guide are enable you shouldn't need to touch them again.
1. In a place of your choice create a shortcut to the Streamlabs OBS executable.
- If you have not created a shortcut yourself before please click the following link to see a guide on how to do so how to create a shortcut please click the following link Creating Shortcuts
2. On your newly created shortcut, right click then click properties. You should get a screen similar to the below
3. At the end of the target, add –adv-settings
- The target should then look similar to
"C:\Program Files\Streamlabs OBS\Streamlabs OBS.exe" --adv-settings
4. Open streamlabs OBS from your newly created shortcut
5. Open the settings menu by clicking the cog icon (See item 1 in the following screenshot)
6. In the menu that appears click on “Developer” (See item 2 in previous screenshot)
7. Copy the API Token that is displayed (See item 3 in previous screenshot). You may need to click “Show” before you are allowed to copy this. Save this for later.
8. Enable both options listed under “Websockets (See item 4 in previous screenshot). Ensure that the port selected is 59650 (You can change this port but for the sake of the guide we will assume the default port is being used.)
9. Click Done. This should save your settings.
10. Open Deepbot as usual and connect.
11. In your web browser of choice, go to the following webpage:
- The page in question should look similar to the below
12. In the “SL OBS Remote Token” box paste in the API key you copied in step 7 of this guide.
13. Click connect on both sides. This should then switch to state that it is connected and change the colour to green
Congratulations! After following the previous steps you should now be all connected and Streamlabs OBS all set up to be able to trigger scene and source changes. To select a scene/source to manipulate you can change settings within your custom commands in the OBS Remote section
Note: The names that you provide are Case Sensitive so make sure that the names you provide match.
Enjoy your new functionality, Streamlab OBS users :)