Community Made Commands
Important: Community-Made commands are, as the name suggests, made by the community and are NOT officially supported by Deepbot. Where we can we have left a link to the creators Twitter/Discord/Whatever to contact in case you find any issues/bugs. Failing that, ask in our Discord server.
When you think Deepbot, the one thing that should spring to mind is our powerful custom command editor. With the usage of the in-built custom command variables (Listed on the following page - Custom Command Variables) and custom command chaining (Part of our VIP Subscription. The features of this can be found here - VIP Features) you can create an endless combination of commands to create something truly unique.
The creativity of our community is amazing and continues to impress us. Some of the best commands created by us and (with permission) our community are displayed on this page.
Have a command that you are proud of? Let us know! We can add it to the wiki to be used by all of our users that wish to use it. You can get in contact with us via our Twitter Account @deepbotsupport or our Discord Server
Any requirements, such as having a current Deepbot VIP Subscription, will also be listed in the commands page so that you can make an informed decision as to if you can add the command to your Deepbot or not
List Last Updated 5th September 2020
Update Notes Cooldown Per User command has now been removed as support for this will be baked into the next beta version of Deepbot. As usage of this command outside of the team was very low, and in anticipation of this release, we have removed this command early.
Guide on Importing Commands: How to Import Commands Guide on Importing Alias: Importing/Exporting Alias
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