====== Ban ====== The Ban command does exactly what it says on the tin. It allows your chat to have the ability to ban others without having mod status. This will also log each ban in the custom logs folder by creating their own personal log file. Want to see more community-made custom commands? Click the following link - [[user_custom_commands|Link]]\\ Need to know how to import this command into your Deepbot? Click the following link - [[import_and_export_commands|Link]] ---- ==== Credits ==== Ian Chandler - [[https://www.twitch.tv/ianchandler1990|Twitch Channel Link]] ==== Latest Version ==== 1.0.0 ==== Update History ==== No Update History ==== Requirements ==== * VIP Membership - [[getvip|How to Get VIP]] * Your Bot's Twitch account has been set as a mod ==== Setup ==== - Import the following command into Deepbot - **[[https://api.chandler-gaming.com/bot/commands/ban.txt|Download Json]]** - In the folder where Deepbot is installed open the "Custom Logs" folder - Create a new folder called **Logs** and click into the folder - Within the "Logs" folder create a new folder called **Ban** ==== Command ==== **!ban [user]**\\ Command that will initiate the ban processes on the username provided\\ **Example Usage**\\ !ban ExpertsOnline ==== Useful Information ==== * This command will not allow your viewers to ban your moderators as this command uses your bot's account.