====== Timeout ====== The command below allows users to timeout others without having mod status! This will also log each timeout in the custom logs folder. Logs will be in custom logs and Timeout should be in Logs. It will create custom logs for each user that uses the command! Want to see more community-made custom commands? Click the following link - [[user_custom_commands|Link]]\\ Need to know how to import this command into your Deepbot? Click the following link - [[import_and_export_commands|Link]] ---- ==== Credits ==== Ian Chandler - [[https://www.twitch.tv/ianchandler1990|Twitch Channel Link]] ==== Latest Version ==== 1.0.0 ==== Update History ==== None ==== Requirements ==== VIP Membership - [[getvip|How to Get VIP]] ==== Setup ==== *1. Create one Folder inside your Deepbot Folder **->** Custom Logs Folder named "Logs" *2. Create a second folder inside the "Logs" folder named "Timeout" **[[https://api.chandler-gaming.com/bot/commands/timeout.txt|Download Json]]** ==== Command ==== * !timeout [user] - Initial Command to timeout a user. Example: !timeout ExpertsOnline ==== Useful Information ==== None