Table of Contents


This command will allow you to have a rank-up system, making use of the VIP system within Deepbot.

Want to see more community-made custom commands? Click the following link - Link
Need to know how to import this command into your Deepbot? Click the following link - Link


MissLorzz - Twitch Channel Link
Ian Chandler - Twitch Channel Link

Latest Version


Update History

1.1.0 (21/10/2016): Fixed so that if you put a perk that does not exist it will tell you.


VIP Membership - How to Get VIP


  1. Import the following code into Deepbot: Download JSON
  2. Create a new folder in Deepbot Folder Custom Logs called Redeem
  3. Create three new folders in Redeem called Perk, Cost, and Unfulfilled.
  4. Create however many text files you need for each perk/item inside the Perk and Cost folders.
  5. Ensure that each of these text files are saved with numbers. For example 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, etc.
  6. In the text files within the Perk folder put the name of the perk/item in the file.
  7. In the text files within the Cost folder put the amount of points that each perk/item will file.


!redeem <Perk/Item Number>
Initial command for viewers to use to purchase a perk/item
Example Usage
!redeem 1

Useful Information