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Deepbot Default Commands

Deepbot comes with a number of built in commands that can be used to do a varity of things. These can range from giving and checking points to your viewers Below you will find a list of all the build in commands that are included with the bot.

Commands Type Of Command User Access Info
!bankheist [x] Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers Default command to trigger the bankheist minigame (Trigger command can be changed if you are a VIP subscriber). [x] is the number of points to invest into the heist. I.e. !bankheist 100
!bets [x] [y] Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers Command to place a bet when a bet is open. [x] is the amount of points to bet and [y] is the option to select. I.e. !bets 100 2
!betting help Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers Command to show users status in the current betting pool.
!bid [x] Minigame/Stream Interaction Custom Command to put a bid in an open action. Command access can be filtered to just include viewers who are on Bronze, Silver or Gold in Deepbot's User Database. [x] is the amount of points to bid. I.e. !bid 100
!bot General All Viewers Command to display the current version of Deepbot installed on the website. This will also post a link to the Deepbot website.
!cmdlist General All Viewers Command to display the active channel commands on the screen. Output depends on the state of option “Show Full command List On Pastebin (Non VIP)/Deepbot Web Dashboard (VIP)” in master settings.
!<currency name> General All Viewers Command to display the “Default Points String” text found in master settings. <currency name> is the points name you have chosen. The output of this command also depends on the option “Only Allow Points To Be Checked On Bot Chat”
!dragrace [type] [x] [y] Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers VIP COMMAND - Command to start/enter a drag race. [type] can be “win”, “top2” or “top3” as detailed here. [x] is the number of points to bet and [y] is a number between 1-8 for the car you are betting on. I.e. !dragrace win 100 8
!dragrace myinfo Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers VIP COMMAND - Command to show info about the bets you have placed on the running drag race.
!give <user> <amount> Minigame/Stream Interaction Custom Command to give points from one viewer to another. Command can be restricted access wises in Master Settings. Default: No one can use !give. I.e. !give dante557 100.
!hscard [card_name] General All Viewers Unsure if this still works. Command to display card info in relation to Hearthstone
!poll help Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers Command to display all the available options on a currently running poll.
!<queuename> <message/note> Minigame/Stream Interaction Custom Command to enter a currently running queue with an optional message. Command can be access restricted when opening the queue. Running this command again will update the message currently held. I.e. !bestqueue You are the best
!<queuename> leave Minigame/Stream Interaction Custom Command to leave the currently running quue. I.e. !bestqueue leave A command for viewers to leave a queue. (e.g. !testqueue leave)
!raffle help Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers Command to she the user's status on current open raffles.
!ticket [x] Minigame/Stream Interaction Custom Command which allows the user to purchase tickets in order to enter the raffle. [x] refers to the number of tickets they require. I.e. !ticket 4
!vip General VIPs (All Levels) Command to display the current VIP information in relation to the user. This will also report when it is going to expire.
!vote [x] [y] Minigame/Stream Interaction All Viewers Command to vote for an option on the currently running poll. [x] is the option Vote for an option in a running poll. [x] is the option you want to vote on and [y] is an optional input for the number of votes (if multiple voting is allowed).

Commands Info
!song Displays the song DeepBot is currently playing. (This only works if you are using the internal YouTube player or Spotify if you have connected.)
!songlist Shows the full list of songs being played in the internal YouTube music player.
!prevsong A command to show the last song played. (This only works if you are using the internal YouTube player.)
!nextsong A command to show the next song to be played. (This only works if you are using the internal YouTube player.)
!requestsong Displays the cost to request songs for different user classes.
!requestsong [YouTubeID] Requests songs to be added to the stream playlist. *Note: Currency cost may apply!*
!requestsong [SongName/Artist] Requests songs by the name/artist instead of the link. This needs at least two words for it to find a song. (VIP-only command) (To enable this option, go to Config > Master Settings and scroll to the bottom and check the box labeled “Allow song request by song name”.)
!skipsong A command to start a vote to skip the current song.
!skipsong [x] This is similar to the command above except that a user can skip the song by paying the veto cost, [x]. *Note: Veto powers may be expensive!*
!removesong This command will remove the last song from the user that runs it.
!internal_songchange_event This command is called whenever the song currently playing is changed. The song name is passed through as a @target@. You can create a custom version of this command to have the song playing be displayed on screen via the use of widgets. *Note:* This command will only be trigger when your stream is live.

Commands Info
!addcmd <cmd> <message> This adds a channel command, where <cmd> is the name of the command to be created and <message> is the script or message this command will run when executed. Custom commands can also be restricted to certain user classes by adding %<level> before <message>, where <level> is a value between 1-9, which represent different user classes. Here are the different levels: 1. All viewers; 2. All VIP; 3. All VIP + Mods; 4. VIP Silver + VIP Gold; 5. VIP Silver + VIP Gold + Mods; 6. VIP Gold; 7. VIP Gold + Mods; 8. Mod Only; 9. Bot & Streamer Only.
!delcmd <cmd> This deletes a channel command. (e.g. !delcmd !testcmd)
!editcmd <cmd> <message> This edits a channel command. (e.g. !editcmd !testcmd This is an edited test message)
!add <points> <user(s)/all> Add a specified amount of points to a specific user or everyone. (e.g. !add 100 expertsonline; !add 5 all) [Mod Level 2 only]
!add custom <online/all> <user class id> <amount or %> Add a specified amount of points to a specific userclass online or all (e.g. !add custom 2 10%) [Mod Level 2 only] User Class options: 1. All Viewers, 2. All VIP, 3. All VIP + Mods, 4. VIP Silver + VIP Gold, 5. VIP Silver + VIP Gold + Mods, 6. VIP Gold, 7. VIP Gold + Mods, 8. Mod Only
!addautohost [stream] This command adds a stream to the Auto Hosting feature. (e.g. !addautohost ExpertsOnline) [Mod Level 2 only]
!delautohost [stream] This command removes a stream from the Auto Hosting feature. (e.g. !delautohost ExpertsOnline) [Mod Level 2 only]
!addvideotoblacklist [VideoID] This command blacklists specific YouTube videos to prevent them from being added to the list of song requests.
!addusertoblacklist [Username] This command blocks a specific user from requesting songs.
!check <user> Check the stream currency balance for the specified user. (e.g. !check expertsonline)
!renameuser <old name> <new name> Change a user's name in the database to a different Twitch username. (e.g. !renameuser expertsoffline expertsonline) [Mod Level 2 only]
!highlight <note> Timestamps a certain part of your stream for stream highlights. It saves it to the highlights log in your Deepbot Folder > Log folder. (e.g. !highlight FunnyMoment)
!playnextsong Plays the next song in the playlist.
!playprevsong Plays the previous song in the playlist.
!playsong Starts/resumes music.
!pausesong Pauses the song currently playing.
!removesong [x] Removes a song from the playlist by its number in the queue. For example, !removesong 5 will remove the 5th song that was requested. (This only works if you are using the internal YouTube player.)
!permit Permits users to post links when link protection is enabled.
/r or /w Respond to whispers in the Chat tab. (e.g. /r will respond to the last whisper, while /w <username> will whisper a specific user.) (VIP Exclusive) (In order for this to work, this must be enabled in the Master Settings by clicking the check box next to Enable Whisper messaging (Streamer))
!remove <points> <user> Removes a specified number of points from a user. (e.g. !remove 100 expertsonline) [Mod Level 2 only]
!resetcounter <cmd> Resets the counter of a command.
!startarena <mode> <amount> Mode 1 is Knockout Arena, where <amount> is the max wager, and Mode 2 is Tournament Arena, where <amount> is the entry cost into the tournament. (e.g. !startarena 1 100) [Mod Level 2 Only]
!startautohost Starts auto-hosting. [Mod Level 2 only]
!startguessinggame [preset name] A command for mods to start the guessing game. (e.g. !startguessinggame [preset name])
!stopautohost Stops auto-hosting. [Mod Level 2 only]
!top [x] Displays [x] users with the highest amount of stream currency. [x] must be a number between 1 - 14.
!tophours [x] Displays [x] users with the most number of hours watched. [x] must be a number between 1 - 14.
!topranks [x] Displays [x] users with the highest stream ranks. [x] must be a number between 1 - 10.
!updategame <game> Updates the current stream game/activity. [Mod Level 2 only]
!updatetitle <title> Updates the current stream title. [Mod Level 2 only]
!volume Checks the current volume of the internal YouTube player.
!volume [x] Sets the volume of the internal YouTube player. [x] must be a value between 1 and 100.

Commands Info
!auction open <min bid> <item> Opens the auction. (e.g. !auction open 10 100m)
!auction close Closes the auction.

Commands Info
!betting start <maxbets> <housecut> <betting_on> <option1> <option2> Starts the betting system. (e.g. !betting start 100 0 This_is_a_test_bet yes no maybe ) [Use _ for space in text]
!betting close Closes the betting pool.
!betting cancel Cancels the betting pool.
!betting winoption [x] Selects the winning option, where [x] is the winning option. (e.g. !betting winoption 2)

Commands Info
!usermsg add <user> <message> Adds a custom message to be displayed when a specific user enters the stream.
!usermsg view <user> Views the custom message set for a specific user.
!usermsg edit <user> <message> Modifies the custom message of a specific user.
!usermsg del <user> Deletes the custom message of a specific user.

Commands Info
!kraffle open <keyword> <optional game> <optional close timer> Opens a keyword raffle. (e.g. !kraffle open !key Diablo_3_:ROS 5)
!kraffle close Closes the keyword raffle.
!kraffle draw Draws a winner from the keyword raffle.
!kraffle cancel Cancels the keyword raffle.

Commands Info
!quote <optional ID> Displays a quote from the database. If a quote ID is not specified, the bot will display a random quote. (The streamer can limit access to this command for different user classes.)
!addquote <name> <quote> Adds a quote to the database. (The streamer can limit access to this command for different user classes.)
!delquote <ID> Deletes a quote from the database. (The streamer can limit access to this command for different user classes.)

Commands Info
!traffle open <cost per ticket> <max tickets> <optional game> <optional close timer> Opens the ticket raffle. (e.g. !traffle open 1 10 Diablo_3_:ROS 5)
!traffle close Closes the ticket raffle.
!traffle draw Draws a winner from the ticket raffle.
!traffle cancel Cancels the ticket raffle.

  • You can also make your own commands using the list of custom command variables found here : Custom Commands
  • Here are a few examples of custom commands that users have created: User Custom Commands
  • If you wish for Deepbot to interact with other bots that make use of ! for commands, you can force Deepbot to not execute an internal command by adding \ before a command. For example, \!kappagen would tell Deepbot to send “!kappagen” as a message to Twitch chat instead of trying to execute it as a normal command.